Joined Tinkerve LLP | Carwife Automotive as Software Engineer (Contract).
Joined OpenPromise Malaysia as Open Source Developer. OpenPromises is a not for profit project that is centred around the tracking of promises made by representatives and people in power.
Winning the First Prize in the 10th China E-commerce “Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship” Challenge Competition (Fujian Province) My project is to build an educational platform for communi...
Founded XMUM Tech Club which aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry among students in XMUM.
Selected as Google Developer Student Club Lead for Xiamen University Malaysia by Google Developers
Started as Vice President of XMUM Software Engineering Student Union.
Started studying for Bachelor in Software Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖